Thursday, 20 November 2014
Monday, 17 November 2014
Pen Pals
Our first paragraph had to be about ourselves and included our likes and dislikes. It also had to answer their questions. The second paragraph was about our school, mine included my friends, favourite subjects at school and our school camp. Our third paragraph was asking questions that we wanted to know the answer to when they write back.
Room 14 cant wait for them to write back! Its really cool being able to write letters to people because if you think about how often you write a letter to someone it might not be that often, but having pen pals gives us another person to write a letter too.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Hockey World Cup By Blake
It's the finals for the 2015 Hockey World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto YOUR stage...
People cheering everywhere. I can't believe that our team, the Black Sticks, made it into the Hockey World Cup finals. There are butterflies in my stomach. Our best player, Sam, trips on his shoelace and.... ....PLOP! He face-plants. How embarrassing is that! We carry on and I go up for the hit. BEEP! The horn blows. I pass the ball to my red-faced friend (Sam). He got the ball all the way up the field and passed it to Bob. Bob scored a goal!
It is now England's hit. The man in the front called Johnny passed it to Zachary and to make a long story short, they got a goal. I'm just going to say, a few people had some tomato in their hands and there was a England player covered in ripe red stuff. Another goal for England, another player obscured in tomato.
You're down 10-2 and it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...
"Okay guys, we are losing BIG TIME. We have to be more aggressive and get the ball when they have it. We also have to spread out more. We keep bunching up. They only need one person to mark all of us! When England have the ball, hassle then and defend. Although we've done better than ever, work as hard as you can. Be the best you can be. Lets get out there and win this! Oh yeah, don't face-plant again Sam. Lets go!
The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...
I cried/laughed because we WON! I then got up and gave a high-five to everyone I could see! When I got control of myself, I lined up, shook hands with England and said good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game. I can't believe the score was 14-15 to us! All our team started throwing their sticks in the air. We were all so excited!
The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage...
I step up onto the stage and call my team. When the team gets up, I let Sam receive the trophy. We then line up to have a bunch of photos together... And the crowd goes wild! Once all that was finished, Sam and Bob were interviewed by The Crowd Goes Wild. I don't know what they said because I wasn't there but I'm sure it was good. While that was happening, me and the rest of the team went around giving autographs to people. We also got more photos. When everyone left, we all went home to celebrate and rest.
People cheering everywhere. I can't believe that our team, the Black Sticks, made it into the Hockey World Cup finals. There are butterflies in my stomach. Our best player, Sam, trips on his shoelace and.... ....PLOP! He face-plants. How embarrassing is that! We carry on and I go up for the hit. BEEP! The horn blows. I pass the ball to my red-faced friend (Sam). He got the ball all the way up the field and passed it to Bob. Bob scored a goal!
It is now England's hit. The man in the front called Johnny passed it to Zachary and to make a long story short, they got a goal. I'm just going to say, a few people had some tomato in their hands and there was a England player covered in ripe red stuff. Another goal for England, another player obscured in tomato.
You're down 10-2 and it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...
"Okay guys, we are losing BIG TIME. We have to be more aggressive and get the ball when they have it. We also have to spread out more. We keep bunching up. They only need one person to mark all of us! When England have the ball, hassle then and defend. Although we've done better than ever, work as hard as you can. Be the best you can be. Lets get out there and win this! Oh yeah, don't face-plant again Sam. Lets go!
The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...
I cried/laughed because we WON! I then got up and gave a high-five to everyone I could see! When I got control of myself, I lined up, shook hands with England and said good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game. I can't believe the score was 14-15 to us! All our team started throwing their sticks in the air. We were all so excited!
The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage...
I step up onto the stage and call my team. When the team gets up, I let Sam receive the trophy. We then line up to have a bunch of photos together... And the crowd goes wild! Once all that was finished, Sam and Bob were interviewed by The Crowd Goes Wild. I don't know what they said because I wasn't there but I'm sure it was good. While that was happening, me and the rest of the team went around giving autographs to people. We also got more photos. When everyone left, we all went home to celebrate and rest.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Netball World Cup - Brooke
we run out, the crowd is shouting our our name Mahora Kittow against Australia. I am so timid all 3000 seats fall.Most of them shouting Mahora Kittow. The whistle blows we throw the blows.
We get a goal. Australia gets a goal but we pull our socks up and get tree more goals. The score is 4-1 to us, we throw the ball we get another goal. The crowd cheers with joy! My ears tingle HORRIBLY!
someone in our team start talking and saying "what we are doing is great,keep on doing what we are doing and we will win." But then i say we need to keep it up but do not slack because that's what we are doing or we are going to lose . team on 3... 1,2,3 team.''
the whistle blows, i look at the score board. WE WON! i group to my knees for a minute . i jump back up the crowd is going wild. I stand there smiling. Some of my team mates come and give me a hug. i start crying with joy. We stand there laughing we go and give the opposition a high five.
Yay! Its time for medals. we all look at each other. The first person in our team goes and gets called up to get there medal. we all clap, the crowd start clapping and shouting ''Mahora Kittow.'' The crowd jumps with applause. My name gets called out . I walk up to the stage and shake three peoples hands and then at last I get my medal. Our hole team gets a medal but karmen get the handed the cup. we all go and open the gates so the kid can get there t-shirt or something else singed from the teams.
We get a goal. Australia gets a goal but we pull our socks up and get tree more goals. The score is 4-1 to us, we throw the ball we get another goal. The crowd cheers with joy! My ears tingle HORRIBLY!
someone in our team start talking and saying "what we are doing is great,keep on doing what we are doing and we will win." But then i say we need to keep it up but do not slack because that's what we are doing or we are going to lose . team on 3... 1,2,3 team.''
the whistle blows, i look at the score board. WE WON! i group to my knees for a minute . i jump back up the crowd is going wild. I stand there smiling. Some of my team mates come and give me a hug. i start crying with joy. We stand there laughing we go and give the opposition a high five.
Yay! Its time for medals. we all look at each other. The first person in our team goes and gets called up to get there medal. we all clap, the crowd start clapping and shouting ''Mahora Kittow.'' The crowd jumps with applause. My name gets called out . I walk up to the stage and shake three peoples hands and then at last I get my medal. Our hole team gets a medal but karmen get the handed the cup. we all go and open the gates so the kid can get there t-shirt or something else singed from the teams.
Netball World Cup 2015 - Shona
It's the finals for the 2015 Netball World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors onto YOUR stage...
I heard people screaming and shouting as I walked down the corridor, into the arena. Sitting on the arena chairs I felt a shiver of nerves run down my spine. We all got our bibs to put on, so we were ready. Coach said to us " start warming up! We don't want any pulled muscles! Do we!? " So we all sprung up, following coach's orders. We super sonicly walked onto court. But if you want to be posh, it's called jogging. We all started warming up. Quickly!
"1,2,3, Aussies!" ( I don't know their name). We all cheered hopefully. It was finally time to start the game! The crowd went CRAZY! They sounded like wild animals at the zoo! It was Australia v.s Germany! We were ready to go! The whistle blew. I ran to C, who quickly passed to WA. (7 mins later). It was almost half time. I passed to GA. The crowd gasped as the ball flew like a bird through the night and... the whistle blew and we missed!
You're down 50-35 and it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...
* Whistle blows* "Come on team, lets have a pep talk." We all jogged into the locker room. "OK team." I said. We all huddled. "We're doing great! "But we're also getting really slack." " We may be winning but they could catch up really easily!" We all agreed. Coach gave us a confidence talk as well. " We haven't got long so we need to give it everything, and get out of our comfort zone." We were called back onto the court. "1,2,3, Aussies!" We jogged back onto the court.
The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the score board to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...
Tears of happiness sprung into my eyes. I wait to catch my breath. I didn't want to move. My other team mates run over to me, picking me up. We had just won the 2015... Netball...World... Cup! The team were gathering all around me, they started high-fiving me. The other team ( and their accent) came over to congratulate us.
The other team walked away to let us embrace our victory. We were jogging around the stadium and took in the crowd. We( and especially me) were so ecstatic! But probably more exhausted! We started jogging again and...
The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage...
I heard my name being called out. This is it! As I walk to the stage a big rush of happiness runs through me. As I get closer my smile gets bigger. I step up onto the stage thinking "this is awesome!"
People were helping coach hand out the medals. The medals were so crystal like. They put the beautiful (but insanely heavy) crystal like GOLD medal around my neck. I was hypnotized as MINE! swung around my neck. And then they pulled out this Mt. Everest size trophy! How could this day get any better!?
We were all so shocked and stoked that we won the world cup. But we had to wait a while to get the trophy back to Australia! It was a bit too big! Customs weren't that impressed!
We were all so shocked and stoked that we won the world cup. But we had to wait a while to get the trophy back to Australia! It was a bit too big! Customs weren't that impressed!
Netball World Cup Finals 2015 - Karmen
It was the start of the game. My heart was pounding! I screamed for the ball! All the kiwis wanted us to win. We were facing Australia and we couldn't let them win. Georgia went for the goal but...she missed. It was a brilliant day for netball. The whistle blew it was the end of the first quarter, half the team was in tears.
For the second quarter I was in GA. It was petrifying! The score was 5-0 to Aussie so the pressure was on us. Brooke was sprinting her heart out, when she twisted her ankle! We got the sub on, I was in the shooting area. I went for the shot, I got it. I accomplished my goal. I got subed off.
Its the start of the 3rd quarter, I brung my team in for a pep talk and said "Ok now we are gonna win this, we have half an hour to win this. Our family is not here to see us loose they are here to see us win! Mistics on 3,1,2,3 MISTICS!" Australia was getting a goal one after another. The score was now 40-35 to Aussie. The whistle blew for the end of the 3rd quarter.
It was now the 4th quarter the pep talk kicked in. I had jingles in my stomach. We got another goal and another and ANOTHER! We celebrated on the court with knuckles.
We looked at the scoreboard. OMG! We won, we won! News reporters rushed over and asked me how I felt. I had to shout over the crowd they were like wild bulls! I replied "I'm exhausted to be honest I want to go home and jump into bed! But I'm over-joyed, I could leap over the moon. I'm so proud of myself!
Fireworks were being let off! Some fireworks looked like silver ferns. I was taking photos with my fans when one of the Australia players came and congratulated me. I replied with a friendly handshake and thank you thank you very much. We both laughed.
I heard the speaker shouting my name across the court! I asked Breeana "Me?" She replied "Yes you who else!" I was surprized! I walked slowly onto the stage. I thought to myself "Please don't make do a speech." I was treebling in fear, I didn't prepare a speech. Oh no!
They asked me to do a speech, my worst nightmare! "What am I gonna say!" I thought. I spoke into the mic. "Well this is unexpected! I know I'm captain but you could have warned me! Us Mistics have had some ups and downs but we got here in the end! Thank you." The trophy was huge! I showed everyone. Oh no we were late for lunch. We hurried into the changing room. I got changed.
That was the end of the 2015 Netball World Cup.
It was amaze-balls!
I heard the speaker shouting my name across the court! I asked Breeana "Me?" She replied "Yes you who else!" I was surprized! I walked slowly onto the stage. I thought to myself "Please don't make do a speech." I was treebling in fear, I didn't prepare a speech. Oh no!
They asked me to do a speech, my worst nightmare! "What am I gonna say!" I thought. I spoke into the mic. "Well this is unexpected! I know I'm captain but you could have warned me! Us Mistics have had some ups and downs but we got here in the end! Thank you." The trophy was huge! I showed everyone. Oh no we were late for lunch. We hurried into the changing room. I got changed.
That was the end of the 2015 Netball World Cup.
It was amaze-balls!
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Boxing World Cup - Celine
Its the finals for the 2015 boxing world. Your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto YOUR stage.....
The loud speaker went off first up Celine Berry. I'm all geared up with my pads and helmet. I was strutting out the corridor with my song playing in the back ground. Every one is cheering and calling my name,that made me fell so proud. I walked onto the boxing ring, up came a guy all big and tuff. The whistle blew I was jogging on the spot, he went for it he kicked me I dodged it. He took a punch to he's face blood splattered all over the barrier, I knocked him around a bit more. I needed some time to catch my breath. Ever since my chest injury I have been so protective of it.
Your down 50-35 it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team victory. You huddle into a group.....
"Bring it in" my coach, family and friends huddle in he told me "we are falling back we had it, we were winning" the score is 12-18. Coach said do your thing make us proud.
The crowd is cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to our knees....
The guy calls "that's time," I look at the scoreboard I dropped down I won I jumped up the crowd is going wild there are fireworks exploding in the sky I run around hi-fiveing the crowd. I ran to my coach and hugged him then I ran into my mums arms she was so proud of me.
The stage is set and all the eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage....
My name was called out, I walked onto the stage.The boxing CEO said put your hands together for "CELINE BERRY'' ''Wow Yay." I stepped onto the stage he passed me the mic said "I have been training so hared for this I have been eating well, I have been running and exercising I am so overwhelmed thank you for all the support" I hopped off the stage I was hi-fiveing the fans, signing autographs and taking photos. It fells so good to have won this.
The loud speaker went off first up Celine Berry. I'm all geared up with my pads and helmet. I was strutting out the corridor with my song playing in the back ground. Every one is cheering and calling my name,that made me fell so proud. I walked onto the boxing ring, up came a guy all big and tuff. The whistle blew I was jogging on the spot, he went for it he kicked me I dodged it. He took a punch to he's face blood splattered all over the barrier, I knocked him around a bit more. I needed some time to catch my breath. Ever since my chest injury I have been so protective of it.
Your down 50-35 it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team victory. You huddle into a group.....
"Bring it in" my coach, family and friends huddle in he told me "we are falling back we had it, we were winning" the score is 12-18. Coach said do your thing make us proud.
The crowd is cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to our knees....
The guy calls "that's time," I look at the scoreboard I dropped down I won I jumped up the crowd is going wild there are fireworks exploding in the sky I run around hi-fiveing the crowd. I ran to my coach and hugged him then I ran into my mums arms she was so proud of me.
The stage is set and all the eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage....
My name was called out, I walked onto the stage.The boxing CEO said put your hands together for "CELINE BERRY'' ''Wow Yay." I stepped onto the stage he passed me the mic said "I have been training so hared for this I have been eating well, I have been running and exercising I am so overwhelmed thank you for all the support" I hopped off the stage I was hi-fiveing the fans, signing autographs and taking photos. It fells so good to have won this.
Netball World Cup - Breeana
They called out our name "Mahora Kittow" against "Pukehou" we walk out shoulder to shoulder, 30 seconds to buzzer, we did a little Team, team on 3 1,2,3 Team, We went and got into our positions, the whistle went I went to grab the ball "HANNAH" she passed it to me, it went down the court so quick I was positive we would get a goal but NOOO. We worked so hard to get it back but it was to late they got a goal.
They get another goal but we pull up our game when "KA BOOM!" I fell over all my team mates dashed over to me "are you okay" they said I jumped back up and carried on. It went down the court we got a goal.
Its time for a pep talk we huddle over to the side I say were losing by five, we need to pick up our game and win the World Cup. Team on 3 1,2,3 TEAM now get into your positions.
The whistle blows they say Mahora Kittow won, the crowd cheers, fireworks go off saying MAHORA KITTOW! I drop to the ground crying I was so happy my team mates ran over to me we start screaming. My mum dashed over to me she says "YOU... WON..." I give her a big hug. We run to our coach she's crying we give her a great big hug then again we start screaming we collapse with exhaustion. We say 3 cheers for Pukehou Hipray Hipray Hipray. We get in a line hi-fiveing the other team.
They call out our name we walked slowly to him trying to enjoy the moment, everyone is going "Mahora Kittow" "Mahora Kittow" he puts a medal around our neck and gives a trophy to us and says well done you played a good game. The crowd cheering and taking photos was making me deaf and blind. We made her proud and we worked so hard for it, we diserve it and then she asked "can I hold it". We walked away with the crowd hi-fiveing us and asking for autographs it felt so good winning the Netball World Cup for NZ
They get another goal but we pull up our game when "KA BOOM!" I fell over all my team mates dashed over to me "are you okay" they said I jumped back up and carried on. It went down the court we got a goal.
Its time for a pep talk we huddle over to the side I say were losing by five, we need to pick up our game and win the World Cup. Team on 3 1,2,3 TEAM now get into your positions.
The whistle blows they say Mahora Kittow won, the crowd cheers, fireworks go off saying MAHORA KITTOW! I drop to the ground crying I was so happy my team mates ran over to me we start screaming. My mum dashed over to me she says "YOU... WON..." I give her a big hug. We run to our coach she's crying we give her a great big hug then again we start screaming we collapse with exhaustion. We say 3 cheers for Pukehou Hipray Hipray Hipray. We get in a line hi-fiveing the other team.
They call out our name we walked slowly to him trying to enjoy the moment, everyone is going "Mahora Kittow" "Mahora Kittow" he puts a medal around our neck and gives a trophy to us and says well done you played a good game. The crowd cheering and taking photos was making me deaf and blind. We made her proud and we worked so hard for it, we diserve it and then she asked "can I hold it". We walked away with the crowd hi-fiveing us and asking for autographs it felt so good winning the Netball World Cup for NZ
Room 14's Awesome Writing
In Room 14 we got to pick a World Cup sport that we wanted to write about. Every second day we were given a new part of a story that we had to carry on from. There were 4 parts to our story. They were:
* Its the finals for the __________ World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto your stage...
*You're down 50-35 and its the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give the last pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...
*The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only yo see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...
*The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage.
Read our blog post to check out our writing!
* Its the finals for the __________ World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto your stage...
*You're down 50-35 and its the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give the last pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...
*The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only yo see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...
*The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage.
Read our blog post to check out our writing!
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Celiac Disease - Genius Hour
I decided to do my genius hour on Celiac Disease because I have it and I wanted to know more about it. Celiac Disease is a autoimmune disorder. I found all of my information online.
Did you know that some people with Celiac Disease don't have any symptoms.
I found a cool music clip about food products with gluten in them.
Rabbits - Genius Hour
For our Genius Hour, Karmen and I decided to learn about rabbits. We wanted to learn about rabbits because I have lots at home.
We found our information using books from the town library and our parents also knew a little bit. We brought the rabbits in and the class was able to hold them and pat them.
Here are all of our facts
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Sherman's Struggle
After watching the 'Wing it' video clip from the Literacy Shed, we had to write a newspaper article reporting on the new intention that Sherman had created. Here is Kade's story.
After years of being told he couldn't do it and the death of his father, Sherman has come up with an idea that works just like his father once did."I call it the seaplane" Sherman said. This could be an invention that completes the way of travel for the world."I did this to carry on my fathers work and make him proud and not disappoint him". Who knew that someone from Taupo could build a thing like this. Sherman has said that the night before he came up with the idea he had a dream of some aliens coming and giving him ideas with a device. When we asked him what other inventors should do his reply was "never give up". This may be the biggest invention for 1979.
The Cheetah
Dylan has been working really hard on his writing in class and he wanted to share this piece that he did. All of the ideas in Dylan's writing came from looking at a picture of a cheetah.
Deadly Potion
Ray has been working hard to make his writing interesting. He was given a story starter and he had to come up with the rest of the story.
Today is National Scout Scarf day. Scouts is where you do lots of different outdoor activities like camping, white water rafting, outdoor cooking and more. When you join, you get a pack with a bookmark, scarf and woggle, purple t-shirt, shirt, and badges. When we go on a camp we sometimes go caving, we cook our own food, archery, go hiking and sleep in tents. When we go white water rafting, we build our own rafts but sometimes it falls apart. For cooking we make hobo stoves with cans, cardboard and candle wax.
Scouts is a good opportunity for people from 5 to an adult. For more information go to
Before Sunrise
In class we watched a video clip on a web site that has cool writing ideas. This one was an interesting one about a candle getting blown out. It was fun to write because we had to put ourselves into the story and pretend we were the main character.
Life Education Truck
Today Room 14 was able to visit the Life Education truck.We learnt that it is good to be different.
We also learnt that we each have our own personality and what personality means.
Our personality is made up of 4 things. They are how we act, what we do, how we feel and how we think. People should not judge people weather it's a boy or a girl. You don't judge a book by the cover so you should not judge people because of what they look like.
Ann (The Life Education Lady) said that there are two lollies one might just be plain and the other might be really fancy. But it isn't the outside that matters it's the inside that counts. So what I'm trying to say is that everyone is equal.
We cannot wait for our next trip to the Life Education truck.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Doc Martens
For my last Genius Hour I decided to do it on Doc Marten boots.
are some of the facts I found:
Klaus Martens was a doctor in the German Army in World War 2.
leave in 1942 he badly injured his ankle skiing and his army boots were too
uncomfortable to wear so he decided to make Doc Martens.
Because of his ankle problems he came up with bouncing soles so
that he could work in the army but not feel pain.
Now days instead of Doc Martens you can get Nike Air - but I
like doc martens better.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Pigeon impossible By Shona
This is my argument on pigeon impossible. Here are my reasons on why it's not the pigeons fault.
The brief case was really high tech, so why was it in town? Secret Agent Walter Beckett threw the donut away for the pigeon but since he threw the donut in the direction of the brief case the pigeon accidentally tumbled into the case and got enclosed. Why did Walter have the case open? Someone busy on the phone could've sat on the brief case and broken it. Walter should be more responsible, and keep things a secret (it's in the name).
The pigeon was curious. Walter can't blame him because pigeons don't go to school. The buttons were flashing and making sounds so the pigeon was stimulated. All pigeons do all day is scavenge and eat crumbs off the street, so flashing buttons to him is the best thing since cake! He was having fun you can't blame him for having fun. The pigeon probably wanted to find out what the buttons did, because there were millions of them, he might of thought one of them made super duper lickity cake. Or maybe he wanted a breathtaking story to tell his brothers when he gets home to the nest.
In this argument I was writing from the pigeons point of view. I hope you see where I'm coming from and agree with me.
Pigeon Impossible By Karmen
In this argument I am going to be stating why I think it is Secret Agent Walter Becketts fault for the destruction caused that day. I think that Secret Agent Walter Beckett should acknowledge that it was his fault!
Secret Agent Walter Beckett was teasing the pigeon with his donut. However the bird was being slightly greedy, but I would not blame the pigeon because it only gets little crumbs each day. Pigeons are well known to be scavengers! The thing that really shocked me was that it would have been over and done with if he just gave it all to the pigeon.
When the pigeon fell in the case he didn't know what he was doing! Now the pigeon probably loved pushing buttons because I know I do! Also pushing buttons can be very entertaining! The lights were flashing at him like lightning! Pigeons are mischievous. Plus it was not his fault the look on his face showed me he was stimulated by the lights and sounds.
This argument has unfortunaly come to a end. To help you understand this situation better go to the literacy shed to watch the movie. I hope you agree with my argument.
Pigeon: Impossible
Room 14 watched a movie called Pigeon Impossible. We had to choose who's side we were on.
The sides that we could choose from were Secret Agent Walter Beckett or the pigeon.
From there we had to write an argument about it.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Doctor Who
We did our Genius Hour on Doctor Who because it inspired us.
- The doctor has been played by 12 different actors.
- Did you know that New Zealand was the first country outside the UK to screen Doctor Who?
- Doctor Who fans are called Whovians.
- Enemies are one of the Doctors greatest foes.
- Each doctor has a companion that travels with them when they go on trips.

- We learnt that over 50,000 fires are caused by fireworks each year.
- We also have to think about our pets because they have sensitive ears and could run away.
- When lighting a firework, it is important that you only light one at a time and never relight a dud.
Friday, 6 June 2014
Big Bubbles
Brooke helped the class become geniuses about 'Big Bubbles'. She took the class through a step by step procedure on how to create the liquid that makes the big bubbles. She then explained important facts around why the bubbles eventually pop.
- A square bubble takes up more space than a circle bubble
- Right before the bubble pops the liquid shall is only 1 million of an inch thick
- Bubbles float in the air due to the weather temperature
Brooke finished off her Genius Hour by demonstrating how to create a big bubble.
Dirt Bikes


Room 14 was lucky enough to learn all about Dirt bikes for Karlin's Genius Hour.
Karlin researched a lot of information as well as recording what he already knew and presented a fantastic poster that gave all the children in Room 14 a wealth of knowledge about Dirt Bikes.
He was very excited to be able to share something that he is passionate about with the rest of his class.


To wrap up Karlin's presentation we were able to watch him zooming around the school field.
Great work Karlin!
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Room 14 Mathletics Champions!
Dont forget to go onto to the mathematics website over the weekend to keep building your points up. Here is the link in case you have forgotten
See you all on Monday!
Dont forget to go onto to the mathematics website over the weekend to keep building your points up. Here is the link in case you have forgotten
See you all on Monday!
Thursday, 8 May 2014
PAL Leaders
In the beginning of Term 1 there were some year 5's that got presented with a PAL certificate. To get the certificate we needed to go to PAL training at Pettigrew Green Arena in Taradale. We spent the day there learning different games that we could bring back to school and teach the other kids. A couple of weeks after we got back we were presented the PAL certificates to say we had completed the programme. Now we are officially PAL'S! PAL means Physical Activity Leader. 3 people in my class are PAL'S; Me,Samantha and Shona. As a PAL leader it is our job to orginise a game with our buddy for the juniors every second week. Some of the games could be Dog and Bone, Duck duck goose, Grandmas key, Tanks, stuck in the mud and many more exciting games!
We are Geniuses about the Nokia 3330 Phone

Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Tuning in for a GREAT term!
On the first day of Term 2 I walked in to see that Miss BT had changed all the desks around. There was glitter on the floor, but the thing that stood out the most was a big poster on the wall saying 'TUNING IN FOR A GREAT TERM!' and there was an MP3 player on the poster saying all of our names. We talked about the reason the poster said 'tuning in for a great term' and came to the conclusion that it meant our 2 week holiday was over and it was time for us to get back on track with our learning.
Saturday Rugby
On Saturday the 2nd of May the H.R.S T-Rex's played against the H.R.S Spartians.
Before the game we had to do some warm up drills and a team run. We had a hudle before kick off.
HOOOONK! We kicked to the other team and we chaced and we tackled. Jayden played 2nd 5 and wing,Karlin played half back and Brock played number 8.
Then Troyden runs through the middle steps and scores. Coby kicks for goal and gets the conversion.
In the second half we are leading 55 nil. They kicked to us and we ran it up then we heard someone screaming at the bottom of the ruck. It was big D from our team.We got him off the field and we called the ambulance because he was in so much pain.The nurse checked it and he sprained his ankle.
Before the game we had to do some warm up drills and a team run. We had a hudle before kick off.
HOOOONK! We kicked to the other team and we chaced and we tackled. Jayden played 2nd 5 and wing,Karlin played half back and Brock played number 8.
Then Troyden runs through the middle steps and scores. Coby kicks for goal and gets the conversion.
In the second half we are leading 55 nil. They kicked to us and we ran it up then we heard someone screaming at the bottom of the ruck. It was big D from our team.We got him off the field and we called the ambulance because he was in so much pain.The nurse checked it and he sprained his ankle.
After that we carried on with the game and it was final play.We had a scrum and the back line called hands.We passed the ball out to Jayden and he ran down the sideline and scored.Jayden got last try of the game.
We won the game and the score was 75 to 5.We wished big D good luck and Brock gave the team a lolly pop each and we said goodbye.
Monday, 5 May 2014
A Giant Easter Egg
In Room 14 we each made a giant easter egg on the last day of term. Here is a book that I made.
A giant easter egg all to myself. By Karmen from Mahora14 on Vimeo.
A giant easter egg all to myself. By Karmen from Mahora14 on Vimeo.
Mahora One Dance Group
In Term one there was a group of girls that chose to do dance with Mrs Gempton. We started in week 4, which means we have been learning our dance for 9 weeks. On the 23rd of May we will perform our dance at Hasting Intermediate in front of all of the other Hastings schools that have entered.
There are 8 girls in my group, we call ourselves Mahora One. We are doing our dance to 'come and get it' by Selena Gomez. We have some really cool dance moves and really nice girls in our group.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Weetbix TRYathlon

Before the Triathlon there were all kinds of games. I did the hacky-sack throw, the Frisbee throw, and the bike machine. Most of the games were really easy but one was hard, it was the hacky-sack throw. You had to throw a sack at the bowling pins from meters away, if you wanted to get a prize you had to get all the pins down.
The person on the mic said can everyone please get ready to start so Brock and I started walking over to the pool. When we got there we had to line up in a boys line and a girls line so that they could put us into groups of ten. We watched and watched and then it came up to our turn. The lady went 3, 2, 1 BANG! We were off. We swam as fast as we could around the buoy, Brock was first out of the pool for our year group and I was third out. We jogged to the bikes, put all of our gear on then took off racing down the road. We were already puffed from the first lap so we biked slowly around the second time.
We hopped off our bikes and started jogging. We came to the tree line which meant we were nearly there! We came around the corner and sprinted hard out to the finish line. When we got to the end we got a shiny gold medal and a photo.
By Jayden
The Friendly Dental Ironkids Triathlon
On Sunday the 30th of March it was the Friendly Dental Ironkids Triathlon. I did a 100m swim, 2km cycle, and 1km run. For an individual to enter it was $15.
I had to pair up with some body for the swim. My buddy and I jumped in the lane pool at Ocean Spas and the lady counted us down from five. Go! Off I went with my buddy. When I finished my swim I felt very dizzy and my arms and legs were tired.
I ran to transition and dried my body and put my shoes and socks on. I could feel the drips wetting my socks. I hopped on my bike and put my helmet on. When my helmet was on I biked as fast as I could go so I could get on to my run. As I finished the 2km cycle and got into transition to put my bike away my legs started to wobble but I felt fine after I started.

After that I had a big drink and lots of food. Then when I had put all my gear in the car I went for a nice relaxing swim at Ocean Spa.
By Karlin
My Lucky Day

At last weeks Team 3 Assembly I got a certificate for showing friendliness.
There was a boy in my class that was struggling with his writing, I asked if I could read through his work and I gave him some positive feedback and told him to keep on trying.
After that he started using more descriptive words, and kept on checking in with me. This made me feel special because I helped someone.
Friday, 4 April 2014
On Thursday the 27th of March, Room 14 started to work on a piece of writing about a song called 'Pompeii'.
First of all, we watched a music video about the song Pompeii. After we watched the video, we brainstormed our ideas in our focus writing books. Next we went on the iPads and researched about Pompeii and the Mount Vesuvius eruption. We put all our facts into a bubble map. Once we had all of our facts down, we watched the video again and we paused it at different parts and asked questions about the part that we stopped on. When it had finished, we wrote down some more ideas then started writing.
Here are a couple of finished stories about our Pompeii writing.
Blake's Pompeii Writing from Claire Bojesen-Trepka on Vimeo.
Kade's Pompeii Writing from Claire Bojesen-Trepka on Vimeo.
First of all, we watched a music video about the song Pompeii. After we watched the video, we brainstormed our ideas in our focus writing books. Next we went on the iPads and researched about Pompeii and the Mount Vesuvius eruption. We put all our facts into a bubble map. Once we had all of our facts down, we watched the video again and we paused it at different parts and asked questions about the part that we stopped on. When it had finished, we wrote down some more ideas then started writing.
Here are a couple of finished stories about our Pompeii writing.
Blake's Pompeii Writing from Claire Bojesen-Trepka on Vimeo.
Kade's Pompeii Writing from Claire Bojesen-Trepka on Vimeo.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
At our first Team assembly I received a values certificate for responsibility because I had taken over the sandpit duty.
Sandpit duty is when you have to go and check the sandpit everyday to see if the sand is wet or dry, this determines whether or not it is opened.
At the end of the day it is my responsibility to make sure everything is put back where it belongs.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Old Cars
Old cars are
not like modern cars at all. My family is lucky to have a Plymouth. Ever since
I was a baby we have been part of Art Deco. My mum, dad and I are part of the V.C.C (Vintage Car Club).
In the end
of 2011 the V.C.C decided to build a
new club house because the other one was getting too old. They looked for a new venue and in 2012 and they found
somewhere, right next door to the Meanee speedway. Everyday we would have to go
over to the new clubrooms and see all the progress. Finally they were finished!
A library, lounge, dining room, kitchen and a huge paddock. At the end of 2012
they opened up the car club.
Once a month
we have a meeting and do all the old car stuff and so on. It’s really funny
because the men swap parts and give each other tips. I hope in the future there
will be old cars not only in museums but also hopefully on the road. It’s
really cool watching someone have their first experience in an old car.
We were lucky enough to have the V.C.C come to school and take us for rides around the field. For many of the children this was their first experience in a vintage car and a moment they will remember forever.
Art deco is a lot of fun, maybe you should go next year to experience it for yourself.
Shona Jenkinson
Monday, 10 March 2014
Iron Kids
On Friday 28th of February I entered a run called Iron Kids which was held in Taupo. My mum, my sister and I travelled up to Taupo the night before my race, after a good night sleep I was ready to rock! When I got there I was very nervous at first but when I got to the start line I felt fine. We had to do 3 laps of a course, all together the 3 laps make 2km.
Bang! Off we went. All I needed to do was keep a good pace and try to stay running. When I was on my last lap I stated to get the stich, I kept running but I was a bit slower. As I got to the red carpet that leads to the finish line I stated to sprint “YAY! I DID IT!” I received a medal from an iron man champion. I finished in 12 minutes.
I did it because my dad did iron man the next day. Dad is my iron man champion.
By Karlin
In week four of
Term 1 the senior team went to Pandora Pond as part of an E.O.T.C (Education
outside the classroom) trip. While we were at the pond we got to do lots of
activities like; sailing, fishing, kayaking, an estuary walk, and beach art.
The yachts were
practically ‘on the water’ bumper cars when we had hardly any wind. We all
seemed to end up in the same place, going nowhere! When our sail caught the
wind our little red, yellow and orange boats scooted all over the pond, darting
to one end and back. We had to keep our boats facing into the wind if we wanted
any chance of movement.
our estuary walk we saw heaps of crabs, some fish and an eel! Our guide, Jake
explained all about the estuary and how it had changed drastically over the
years. It was fascinating to find out that before the Napier earthquake in 1931
the estuary stretched all the way out to the airport.
We had a fantastic
time during our E.O.T.C week, we learnt a lot and developed our confidence in
trying new things. Below is a slideshow of pictures that were taken while we
were at Pandora Pond. We hope you enjoy looking at them.
By Brennan
By Brennan
E.O.T.C from Claire Bojesen-Trepka on Vimeo.
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