Thursday, 18 September 2014

Hockey World Cup By Blake

It's the finals for the 2015 Hockey World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto YOUR stage...

People cheering everywhere. I can't believe that our team, the Black Sticks, made it into the Hockey World Cup finals. There are butterflies in my stomach. Our best player, Sam, trips on his shoelace and....      ....PLOP! He face-plants. How embarrassing is that! We carry on and I go up for the hit. BEEP! The horn blows. I pass the ball to my red-faced friend (Sam). He got the ball all the way up the field  and passed it to Bob. Bob scored a goal!

It is now England's hit. The man in the front called Johnny passed it to Zachary and to make a long story short, they got a goal. I'm just going to say, a few people had  some tomato in their hands and there was a England player covered in ripe red stuff. Another goal for England, another player obscured in tomato.

You're down 10-2 and it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...

"Okay guys, we are losing BIG TIME. We have to be more aggressive and get the ball when they have it. We also have to spread out more. We keep bunching up. They only need one person to mark all of us! When England have the ball, hassle then and defend. Although we've done better than ever, work as hard as you can. Be the best you can be. Lets get out there and win this! Oh yeah, don't face-plant again Sam. Lets go!

The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...

I cried/laughed because we WON! I then got up and gave a high-five to everyone I could see! When I got control of myself, I lined up, shook hands with England and said good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game. I can't believe the score was 14-15 to us! All our team started throwing their sticks in the air. We were all so excited!

The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage...

I step up onto the stage and call my team. When the team gets up, I let Sam receive the trophy. We then line up to have a bunch of photos together... And the crowd goes wild! Once all that was finished, Sam and Bob were interviewed by The Crowd Goes Wild. I don't know what they said because I wasn't there but I'm sure it was good. While that was happening, me and the rest of the team went around giving autographs to people. We also got more photos. When everyone left, we all went home to celebrate and rest.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Netball World Cup - Brooke

we run out, the crowd is shouting our our name Mahora Kittow against Australia. I am so timid all 3000 seats fall.Most of them shouting Mahora Kittow. The whistle blows we throw the blows.

We get a goal. Australia gets a goal but we pull our socks up and get tree more goals. The score is 4-1 to us, we throw the ball we get another goal. The crowd cheers with joy! My ears tingle HORRIBLY!  

someone in our team start talking and saying "what we are doing is great,keep on doing what we are doing and we will win." But then i say we need to keep it up but do not slack because that's what we are doing or we are going to lose . team on 3... 1,2,3 team.'' 

the whistle blows, i look at the score board. WE WON! i group to my knees for a minute . i jump back up the crowd is going wild. I stand there smiling. Some of my team mates come and give me a hug. i start crying with joy. We stand there laughing we go and give the opposition a high five.

Yay! Its time for medals. we all look at each other. The first person in our team goes and gets called up to get there medal. we all clap, the crowd start clapping and shouting ''Mahora Kittow.'' The crowd jumps with applause. My name gets called out . I walk up to the stage and shake three peoples hands and then at last I get my medal. Our hole team gets a medal but karmen get the handed the cup. we all go and open the gates so the kid can get there t-shirt or something else singed from the teams.

Netball World Cup 2015 - Shona

It's the finals for the 2015 Netball World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors onto YOUR stage...

I heard people screaming and shouting as I walked down the corridor, into the arena. Sitting on the arena chairs I felt a shiver of nerves run down my spine. We all got our bibs to put on, so we were ready. Coach said to us " start warming up! We don't want any pulled muscles! Do we!? " So we all sprung up, following coach's orders. We super sonicly  walked onto court. But if you want to be posh, it's called jogging. We all started warming up. Quickly!

"1,2,3, Aussies!" ( I don't know their name). We all cheered hopefully. It was finally time to start the game! The crowd went CRAZY! They sounded like wild animals at the zoo! It was Australia v.s Germany! We were ready to go! The whistle blew. I ran to C, who quickly passed to WA. (7 mins later). It was almost half time. I passed to GA. The crowd gasped as the ball flew like a bird through the night and... the whistle blew and we missed!

You're down 50-35 and it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire  and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...

* Whistle blows* "Come on team, lets have a pep talk." We all jogged into the locker room. "OK team." I said. We all huddled. "We're doing great! "But we're also getting really slack." " We may be winning  but they could catch up really easily!" We all agreed. Coach gave us a confidence talk as well. " We haven't got long so we need to give it everything, and get out of our comfort zone." We were called back onto the court. "1,2,3, Aussies!" We jogged back onto the court.

The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the score board to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...

Tears of happiness sprung into my eyes. I wait to catch my breath. I didn't want to move. My other team mates  run over to me, picking me up. We had just won the 2015... Netball...World... Cup! The team were gathering all around me, they started high-fiving me. The other team ( and their accent) came over to congratulate us.

The other team walked away to let us embrace our victory. We were jogging around the stadium  and took in the crowd. We( and especially me) were so ecstatic! But probably more exhausted! We started jogging again and...

The stage is set and all eyes are on you  as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage...

I heard my name being called out. This is it! As I walk to the stage a big rush of happiness runs through me. As I get closer my smile gets bigger. I step up onto the stage thinking "this is awesome!" 

People were helping coach hand out the medals. The medals were so crystal like. They put the beautiful (but insanely heavy) crystal like GOLD medal around my neck. I was hypnotized as MINE! swung around my neck. And then they pulled out this Mt. Everest size trophy! How could this day get any better!? 

We were all so shocked and stoked that we won the world cup. But we had to wait a while to get the trophy back to Australia! It was a bit too big! Customs weren't that impressed!

Netball World Cup Finals 2015 - Karmen

It was the start of the game. My heart was pounding! I screamed for the ball! All the kiwis wanted us to win. We were facing Australia and we couldn't let them win. Georgia went for the goal but...she missed. It was a brilliant day for netball. The whistle blew it was the end of the first quarter, half the team was in tears.

For the second quarter I was in GA. It was petrifying! The score was 5-0 to Aussie so the pressure was on us. Brooke was sprinting her heart out, when she twisted her ankle! We got the sub on, I was in the shooting area. I went for the shot, I got it. I accomplished my goal. I got subed off. 

Its the start of the 3rd quarter, I brung my team in for a pep talk and said "Ok now we are gonna win this, we have half an hour to win this. Our family is not here to see us loose they are here to see us win! Mistics on 3,1,2,3 MISTICS!" Australia was getting a goal one after another. The score was now 40-35 to Aussie. The whistle blew for the end of the 3rd quarter.

It was now the 4th quarter the pep talk kicked in. I had jingles in my stomach. We got another goal and another and ANOTHER! We celebrated on the court with knuckles.

We looked at the scoreboard. OMG! We won, we won! News reporters rushed over and asked me how I felt. I had to shout over the crowd they were like wild bulls! I replied "I'm exhausted to be honest I want to go home and jump into bed! But I'm over-joyed, I could leap over the moon. I'm so proud of myself!

Fireworks were being let off! Some fireworks looked like silver ferns. I was taking photos with my fans when one of the Australia players came and congratulated me. I replied with a friendly handshake and thank you thank you very much. We both laughed.

I heard the speaker shouting my name across the court! I asked Breeana "Me?" She replied "Yes you who else!" I was surprized! I walked slowly onto the stage. I thought to myself "Please don't make do a speech." I was treebling in fear, I didn't prepare a speech. Oh no!

They asked me to do a speech, my worst nightmare! "What am I gonna say!" I thought. I spoke into the mic. "Well this is unexpected! I know I'm captain but you could have warned me! Us Mistics have had some ups and downs but we got here in the end! Thank you." The trophy was huge! I showed everyone. Oh no we were late for lunch. We hurried into the changing room. I got changed.

That was the end of the 2015 Netball World Cup.
It was amaze-balls!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Boxing World Cup - Celine

Its the finals for the 2015 boxing world. Your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto YOUR stage.....

The loud speaker went off first up Celine Berry. I'm all geared up with my pads and helmet. I was strutting out the corridor with my song playing in the back ground. Every one is cheering and calling my name,that made me fell so proud. I walked onto the boxing ring, up came a guy all big and tuff. The whistle blew I was jogging on the spot, he went for it he kicked me I dodged it. He took a punch to he's face blood splattered all over the barrier, I knocked him around a bit more. I needed some time to catch my breath. Ever since my chest injury I have been so protective of it.

Your down 50-35 it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team victory. You huddle into a group.....

"Bring it in" my coach, family and friends huddle in he told me "we are falling back we had it, we were winning" the score is 12-18. Coach said do your thing make us proud.

The crowd is cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to our knees....

The guy calls "that's time," I look at the scoreboard I dropped down I won I jumped up the crowd is going wild there are fireworks exploding in the sky I run around hi-fiveing the crowd. I ran to my coach and hugged him then I ran into my mums arms she was so proud of me.

The stage is set and all the eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage....

My name was called out, I walked onto the stage.The boxing CEO said put your hands together for "CELINE BERRY'' ''Wow Yay." I stepped onto the stage he passed me the mic said "I have been training so hared for this I have been eating well, I have been running  and exercising I am so overwhelmed thank you for all the support" I hopped off the stage I was hi-fiveing the fans, signing autographs and taking photos. It fells so good to have won this.

Netball World Cup - Breeana

They called out our name "Mahora Kittow" against "Pukehou" we walk out shoulder to shoulder, 30 seconds to buzzer, we did a little Team, team on 3 1,2,3 Team, We went and got into our positions, the whistle went I went to grab the ball "HANNAH" she passed it to me, it went down the court so quick I was positive we would get a goal but NOOO. We worked so hard to get it back but it was to late they got a goal.

They get another goal but we pull up our game when "KA BOOM!" I fell over all my team mates dashed over to me "are you okay" they said I jumped back up and carried on. It went down the court we got a goal.

Its time for a pep talk we huddle over to the side I say were losing by five, we need to pick up our game and win the World Cup. Team on 3 1,2,3 TEAM now get into your positions.

The whistle blows they say Mahora Kittow won, the crowd cheers, fireworks go off saying MAHORA KITTOW!  I drop to the ground crying I was so happy my team mates ran over to me we start screaming. My mum dashed over to me she says "YOU... WON..." I give her a big hug. We run to our coach she's crying we give her a great big hug then again we start screaming we collapse with exhaustion. We say 3 cheers for Pukehou Hipray Hipray Hipray. We get in a line hi-fiveing the other team.

They call out our name we walked slowly to him trying to enjoy the moment, everyone is going "Mahora Kittow" "Mahora Kittow" he puts a medal around our neck and gives a trophy to us and says well done you played a good game. The crowd cheering and taking photos was making me deaf and blind. We made her proud and we worked so hard for it, we diserve it and then she asked "can I hold it". We walked away with the crowd hi-fiveing us and asking for autographs it felt so good winning the Netball World Cup for NZ

Room 14's Awesome Writing

In Room 14 we got to pick a World Cup sport that we wanted to write about. Every second day we were given a new part of a story that we had to carry on from. There were 4 parts to our story. They were: 

* Its the finals for the __________ World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto your stage...

*You're down 50-35 and its the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give the last pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...

*The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only yo see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...

*The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage.

Read our blog post to check out our writing!