Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Netball World Cup - Breeana

They called out our name "Mahora Kittow" against "Pukehou" we walk out shoulder to shoulder, 30 seconds to buzzer, we did a little Team, team on 3 1,2,3 Team, We went and got into our positions, the whistle went I went to grab the ball "HANNAH" she passed it to me, it went down the court so quick I was positive we would get a goal but NOOO. We worked so hard to get it back but it was to late they got a goal.

They get another goal but we pull up our game when "KA BOOM!" I fell over all my team mates dashed over to me "are you okay" they said I jumped back up and carried on. It went down the court we got a goal.

Its time for a pep talk we huddle over to the side I say were losing by five, we need to pick up our game and win the World Cup. Team on 3 1,2,3 TEAM now get into your positions.

The whistle blows they say Mahora Kittow won, the crowd cheers, fireworks go off saying MAHORA KITTOW!  I drop to the ground crying I was so happy my team mates ran over to me we start screaming. My mum dashed over to me she says "YOU... WON..." I give her a big hug. We run to our coach she's crying we give her a great big hug then again we start screaming we collapse with exhaustion. We say 3 cheers for Pukehou Hipray Hipray Hipray. We get in a line hi-fiveing the other team.

They call out our name we walked slowly to him trying to enjoy the moment, everyone is going "Mahora Kittow" "Mahora Kittow" he puts a medal around our neck and gives a trophy to us and says well done you played a good game. The crowd cheering and taking photos was making me deaf and blind. We made her proud and we worked so hard for it, we diserve it and then she asked "can I hold it". We walked away with the crowd hi-fiveing us and asking for autographs it felt so good winning the Netball World Cup for NZ

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