Thursday, 18 September 2014

Hockey World Cup By Blake

It's the finals for the 2015 Hockey World Cup, your coach has just given your team a pep talk in the locker room and you are ready to head out the doors and onto YOUR stage...

People cheering everywhere. I can't believe that our team, the Black Sticks, made it into the Hockey World Cup finals. There are butterflies in my stomach. Our best player, Sam, trips on his shoelace and....      ....PLOP! He face-plants. How embarrassing is that! We carry on and I go up for the hit. BEEP! The horn blows. I pass the ball to my red-faced friend (Sam). He got the ball all the way up the field  and passed it to Bob. Bob scored a goal!

It is now England's hit. The man in the front called Johnny passed it to Zachary and to make a long story short, they got a goal. I'm just going to say, a few people had  some tomato in their hands and there was a England player covered in ripe red stuff. Another goal for England, another player obscured in tomato.

You're down 10-2 and it's the last half of the game. Team momentum is at an all time low, it's up to you to give your team a pep talk in hope that this will help to relight their fire and bring the team to victory. You huddle into a group...

"Okay guys, we are losing BIG TIME. We have to be more aggressive and get the ball when they have it. We also have to spread out more. We keep bunching up. They only need one person to mark all of us! When England have the ball, hassle then and defend. Although we've done better than ever, work as hard as you can. Be the best you can be. Lets get out there and win this! Oh yeah, don't face-plant again Sam. Lets go!

The crowds cheering, fireworks and cannons are exploding all around you, you look at the scoreboard only to see you have beaten your opponents in the last few seconds. You drop to your knees...

I cried/laughed because we WON! I then got up and gave a high-five to everyone I could see! When I got control of myself, I lined up, shook hands with England and said good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game. I can't believe the score was 14-15 to us! All our team started throwing their sticks in the air. We were all so excited!

The stage is set and all eyes are on you as you hear your name called out over the speaker. Slowly you start moving towards the stage...

I step up onto the stage and call my team. When the team gets up, I let Sam receive the trophy. We then line up to have a bunch of photos together... And the crowd goes wild! Once all that was finished, Sam and Bob were interviewed by The Crowd Goes Wild. I don't know what they said because I wasn't there but I'm sure it was good. While that was happening, me and the rest of the team went around giving autographs to people. We also got more photos. When everyone left, we all went home to celebrate and rest.

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